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Hello again... Do you know of any plugin for MZ that can do something like a hue-shift effect on text? I'm specifically after the flashy effect that Salik (the guy who used to do the "RPG MAKER NEWS" thing on YouTube) used in this video, starting at about 59:03. If such a thing doesn't currently exist, would it be possible for you to make one?


Hi there!

It is possible, but I will not be able to do it now. 

In fact, I already manage to make it once, but I did not have the time to properly implement it as a plugin. But that will probably be part of some paid plugin. Maybe on the Message Actions, or maybe on this pro version, I still don't know. But it is on my to-do list.

(1 edit)

Nice! I'm not in a huge hurry for it anyways, but when I saw that effect I had a sudden case of "shiny object syndrome" and wanted to find a way to do it in my own project, lol. I could always just throw some text on a png image, display it as a picture, and then hue shift that... But that's obviously not a very fast or optimized way to go about it. I'll try to remember to keep my eyes out for that feature, though it'll be a bit hard since I don't know what plugin it will get added to... But it's certainly attractive enough that it would be worth paying for.