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Wow you did all that art in a weekend? I'm really impressed! Although obviously your game suffered as a result, the movement mechanics are pretty solid but the quest is uncompletable which sucks a bit! I ended up running back to see if I could complete it that way, but he just repeats the same thing, I assume at the end there you were supposed to be able to speak to him.   I hope you continue this, expand the level and get some sound/music in there, it will be great!


Thank you for check my game.

 I'm new to game dev and can't  code at all.  Half of the time i fight with the game engine my  problem is to put  the game together. I work to finish the idea and maybe finish it for a weak.

Sounds like a good idea :) You will only get better with practice.  You did a good job for not being able to code, well done!