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Hi! I have a quick question!

If you choose gardener mode, once you finish the night you go back to sleep and then it sends you to the title menu.

However, if I continue from there it lets me continue with my blood replenished - so I'm assuming the game is thinking it's a new day? Is this the intended behaviour?

Hm, that's strange: Gardener mode should wait for the next day to refresh, and tell you before you sleep how long it will be. Unless you happened to play just before midnight it shouldn't go to the new day.

I just checked on a fresh save and it's working as intended though; you could try toggling the mode from Options and see if it's stuck on Gamer for some reason instead?

Ah I did a bit more debugging and found the problem! I'll have a fix up shortly, but to clarify: your blood replenished when it shouldn't have but the day didn't actually advance, so you should be fine to continue that save with no problem.


Awesome. Thanks for checking!