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Since you say is not finished is hard to give feeddback because i think most of the stuff you already know, but here it goes:

  • Health bar is too big and too centered, it could be very tiny, or better, your remaining shots could be your health bar, so you don't have to have UI.
  • Enemies should die when they receive shoots, or at least be pushed/react since right now it feels weird that nothing you do seems to have an impact.
  • You should have feedback when you receive damage, and the enemies too (flashing, particles, shake...)
  • More randomized enemies (position and patterns)

I think the base idea is really cool (have a limited number of bullets) and i think it could be worked to be awesome. Some ideas I had while playing

  • What if the bullets are also like a shield, so if you receive damage while you have bullets in you, you lose a bullet, but if you receive damage without bullets, you lose. This would change the "bullets are evil" mechanic but It could be cool, dunno
  • What if if you hit an enemy the bullet recharges faster than if you miss? Then players should be careful and aim better if they want to reload faster.

The art direction is very cool, liked it a lot.

Wow thats alot of feedback! Thank you so much! :D

  1. Yeah the healthbar i set to the wrong size so im aware its too big :P
  2. I tried to implement a destroy function when the enemies got hit but that was like last minute so i was forced to export it without it so id be able to submit in time, next time ill learn to prioritize a little bit better :D
  3. As you might have seen in my previous reply i didn't really have time to make the patterns very diverse, but ill definitely try and make a broader assortment of enemies!

  1. I really like this idea! :D Yeah the bullets are evil thingy i actually came up with in last minute because right after i had exported it i realized that i had accidentally assigned the health to the bullets too so i don't really mind losing that aspect :)
  2. Thats really cleaver! :)

Finally thank you again, it's really awesome when people leave this much feedback becuase it helps ALOT! :D

I played your submission too! Really great game man :D