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A nu, cheeki breeki iv damke Stalker!

This game gets better every time I see it - the battle system looks very fun and complex. Looks like you'll have a busy year ahead of you.

Your first attempt looks completely passable. For a lot of games of this nature, the art style and atmosphere carries the visuals much more than the actual art quality. If anything, you could leave the tilesets to be of this quality and focus more on the Menus and character sprites visible during dialogue, which I think is what people remember the most when looking back. When I think of Sinathir, my first thoughts aren't of the tilemaps but are instead of the default character model in the pink dress and Billy talking about CDs.

Good luck!


The first attempt doesn't look that bad, but I know I can do better if I spend some time practicing. I want to re-do pretty much all of the graphics. UI, character sprites and overworld sprites. Character sprites will need just some tweaking and overworld sprites should be quite easy once I get the proper blender setup ready. Also, here is a work in progress main menu. There is still a lot of work to be done on that one.


that looks really, really nice! Well done! Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us next year

Oh damn, that's really cool! Now I really can't wait for this update. The graphics change is really nice but don't forget about the main gameplay update.

First update next year will have the war system, with faction system and expansion to war system following shortly after. After that, I will start working on missing and broken dialogue. I will be switching back and forth between dialogue, graphics and adding minor features / expanding old ones.

I will be posting pictures in the "sneak-peaks" thread to show what I'm working on and how I'm progressing.