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You're like the Space Punisher, I LOVE IT. Very fun, arcade-y game - I had a good time with this. The lasso mechanic is really neat; I feel like it could be used to do some really clever things with combat/platforming. I'd love to see an expanded version of this that features different levels or challenge instead of just survival/high scores (not that that isn't fun, I just think the mechanics could be applied to more things!). Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for your comment and also playing my game on your stream.

It is already possible to do some nice planet lasso action, because you can basically activate it forever and use your jet pack to swing around planets multiple times.

But as you say, the mechanics turned out really great and I will for sure continue to work on the game. I choose the survival/high score type to have some finished game with a clear goal for the jam. You know, limited development time :D