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Thanks for your feedback, Yeah the moving with the platform I wanted to add. I did try but it was very buggy of how I had set things up. So I eventually decided to go with no inertia for now, due to time constraints. Hopefully I’ll be able to add it in a future update.

I also did not want to make the character very ”floaty” but the jump could have been a little bit higher (or less gravity applied on upwards movement). Have been tweaking it a lot. It’s always difficult to find the right setting that fits most people. The character does have extra gravity applied while falling. Also if you hold the jump button you jump higher (and visa versa if you release the jump button you instantly start to fall. Should probably add that to the tutorial)

For attack I think the speed is right (So far the only monster which I can not easily defeat is the mimic boss). I think where most people struggle with (also the people who playtested it for me) is that you can not move left and right while attacking. There is actually an animation cancel if you jump. But I am thinking of some options to change it after the jam:

  • Add animation cancel, when pressing left/right again
  • Add upgrades for animation speed 
  • Or tweak some other options
  • Also was thinking of making a jump attack

Basically overall, as always with gamejam games, there are still a lot of things to polish :P Glad you enjoyed it though!

You actually can have two problems with your character being heavy and if your map were more vertical, the first is that it would be a hassle to navigate, since you would have to jump a lot, and it would be pretty easy to mistime your jump because of that. The second one is that, if you fall, and your character being so fast while doing so, could cause the character to get stuck between collisions while the frame is updating, and constant collision check would have an impact on performance.

I realized you could hold the jump and jump higher, but some people might not, they might be new to platformers,  so it's good to inform them of that in the tutorial.

Like I said, the issue with you current attack speed is just that if you plan to add a fast enemy the player would have to time it VERY well, or just tank a hit, I actually thought it was pretty easy overall, I just had to stand still and smack the s*** out of the bosses and enemies, as the attack collider was very big, considering the animation. And YES that jump attack, I really missed it in the game. But I really enjoyed it a lot, it was very fun and I would love to see your game finished