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Hey There!! Thank you soooo much for the comprehensive report of the bug. It's been very very useful!

- The Unlocking location one I think I've been fixed? You still cannot see the goat tribe on the map. But you can go there with the arrow in Woodland Outpost, just didn't want you to teleport there instantly. The Farmland thing have been fixed, you can unlock them as soon as you get your quest.

- The attack damage calculation seems to be working for me right now. But I didn't test every enemy. Can you let me know about which enemy you encountered the bug? Maybe I can fix that :p

- Ahhh the struggling one, I mixed it up with stunned. (They both starts with st and I was stupid enough to name one S and one T. I will fix it in the next version :p

For the UI:

- Yeah Yeah! I did add a progress bar at one point. But it bugged out a lot. I'll put it back later on though.

- Hmmm... I'll try that? Currently the engine doesn't really have that so I can't say for sure if I can actually accomplish it ;c sorrry~

- Oh for sure. I didn't want to clog the UI that much when I first started. But now I think it can be cool to see some stats when you change your clothes and such :p

- Attack only affects attack damage, increased by mainly your STR. Accuracy affects your chance to hit, increased by your AGI. Resistance/Defense affects the reduction for enemy damage, it is currently in a formula such that, if defense is lower than enemy raw damage, you receive more damage, vice versa, and it works for lust resistance too.

- AHHH. Sorry~ You'll be able to avoid them more easily if your agility is higher :p but mc is clumsy and all~

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for the reply, and the work on the game!

I've seen the damage calculation issue with a variety of enemies.  But I just tried and was able to reproduce the issue with Goat Huntsmen and Werewolves.  

Here are a few example fights.  I'm doing nothing but Attacking.  

Fight 1 vs. Goat Huntsman:

  • Text says I deal 57 damage; GH takes 57 damage (now at 83)
  • Text says I deal 50 damage; GH takes 50 damage (now at 33)
  • Text says I deal 24 damage; GH takes 24 damage (now at 9)
  • Text says I deal 68 damage; GH actually takes 182 (now at -173)

Fight 2 vs. Goat Huntsman:

  • Text says I deal 37 damage; GH actually takes 116 (now at 24)
  • Text says I deal 72 damage; GH actually takes 183 (now at -159)

Fight 3 vs. Werewolf:

  • Text says I deal 78 damage, WW actually takes 178 (now at 172)
  • Text says I deal 42 damage, WW takes 42 (now at 130)
  • Text says I deal 85 damage, WW actually takes 214 (now at -74)

OHH I see I see~ 

The text part should be correct. It seems that when you defeat the enemy, the number goes insane, and sometimes it happens at the beginning. I can't tell the problem yet but I've got an idea on how to solve them. Thank you so much again for your detailed report!! <3

(1 edit)

OH SHIT. Nevermind... I just remembered I coded in the critical damage, and forgetting to do the dialogues. That's my bad. He's just dealing some huge damage... but the text is displaying normal damage. I'll tone down the damage multiplier slightly though.