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The art that's there is great and clean, and is pretty well designed. And I agree with others that once the main character is in place it'll feel much better, because playing as a cube doesn't feel so good. Also I couldn't find a controls layout for keyboard, but that's not a big deal, I kind of bluffed my way through it. Combat feels good and snappy, but I just wish there was more!

Kinda wish there was some sort of notification when you beat the demo, cus I wondered around for a couple minutes trying to figure out what to do. And then when I entered the two balls room again the green tree door thing appeared again and I couldn't get out.

But great work, I enjoyed playing it. Keep it up!


What art lol, haha thank you, I'm glad it left such a positive taste despite looking all blocky, we left the control scheme for the keyboard on the game page but I guess its easily missable.

And yeah you're absolutely right we should've added a "congratulations u saved the world xd" popup at the end, we were using this demo in an expo so we were around to tell players they were done.

There's going to be more combos and weapons in the future so stay tuned for that, again, thanks for checking it out!