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Is there a possibility of this going on Steam?


We are prepping for a steam release with day 5, which is why allot of things got updated in this release to help with story divergence and some missed things. When the rest of day 4 is released their will be more updates and fixes to previous days, and by day 5 we are hoping to have any consistency re renders done so when we hit steam its in the best state possible


Anyone who buys on here will receive steam keys.

how does that work? do you have a email list for those that bought or something? just curious 

itch has the ability to give steam keys to those who purchased, and i do have access to emails and things via itch.

oh ok cool. i just it bought here.

Do i need to link itch and steam for this or anything? im new to itch buying so just trying to figure it out.

im not 100% sure on the process yet, but I know the ability is their, Ill let everyone know more as I find out more.


no just itch and patreon, that will give you the steam key if or when available.