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If you want to record video (for this, or whatever else) I recommend using OBS, or Open Broadcaster Software. It's a little difficult to set up properly, but it's completely free, and you can easily find tutorials on it.

(1 edit)

Okay, I'll try it out.

But how do you post the video afterwards?

(Just to be clear, I don't want to set up any other accounts)

Just upload the .mp4 file to any video uploading website. Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with uploading content, but I'd assume YouTube would be pretty simple to get started on (well, assuming you already have a YouTube account, which, if you're already associated with Google, isn't an issue).

Can OBS upload as a windows movie-file?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. You can, if you want, run the file through Windows Movie Maker, though that considerably lowers the quality while taking a long time.

I want to convert it into GIF's, since that would take less time.

What you're looking for shouldn't be hard to find. I just Googled "mp4 to gif" and came up with a ton of results, like,,, and more.