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Did the option to f**k the blacksmith get removed?

No, it should be available. To success you need higher strength, otherwise he is going to kici you out of the forge.

I have 10 STR but sometimes the option "fuck him" isn't always there though O.o

(1 edit) (+1)

First thing your Str needs to go above 10. 11 would work. 

Secondly you'll have to have high enough libido


hah. I forget about it :D Yes, libido must be at least 50 if I remember correctly

oh libido, goddammit i didn't factor that at all haha. also don't i need certain amount if agility or perception too? i recall doing a playthrough lacking those two stats and the main character always trips over a bucket instead, when sneaking to rim him  lol.

okay so STR 11 and at least 50 libido, thank you :D

i never factored libido at all dammit @__@
oh okay so 11 STR and at least 50 libido from what the creator says, thank you :D