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Thanks for the comment Corbak Games.

Glad you figured out that the camera dialogue is a real-time display XD.

Pushing dead enemy bodies I agree. The reason for this is that we were using unity character controller just so we could avoid other buggy movement behaviour from rigidbody. But the drawback is that one. Enemies passing is due the nav-mesh. Since the nav-mesh is static and it doesn't take into account the enemies itself because that would mean having a dynamic nav-mesh. Still something I can fix after rating.

I already have a version with dialogue skip and intro skip XD, but again after rating.

I did notice the cross-hair misalignment, but changing in unity the reticule offset didn't seem to have an effect. I have to figure out a bit more.

Next level is on the standalone version, but i checked and on the last level we didn't change the text so your argument is still valid.

Once again, thanks for the feedback Corbak Games.

Kind regards,
