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Thanks for the answer; it turns out I already knew about BeepBox (and also use sfxr). :) I have been looking around for music tools, I have put my hands on some (such as Linux MultiMedia Studio (LMMS) and GXSCC) and still have to see if I can manage to get something out of them!

Please do tell me if this bigger project sees the light of day sometime, even a simple demonstration. This made me curious! :)

Your game is one of those I have to come back to, to try to complete it… Maybe trying today, I am on a roll of processing former comments and games lying in my (mental and written) stack! X)

(2 edits) (+1)

No clue if you are still even remotely interested but several things related to this game/universe actually did "see the light of day". 

Bimmy Collection

The Speedman



Hey! Thank you for notifying me. :)
You know what? I tend to often think of various things from the past, and I just had a flash of your game just yesterday (10th May), wondering about the larger story, since I remembered there was a whole context. :) A coincidence out of Providence.
I am adding your three games to my list of games to look at. To be honest, I already have several I have to check, and more generally, I have been writing a big stack to process (planning on using the GTD method!), but I am interested. You were right to tell me!
… I remember not being able to beat the current game. I shall tell you if I try and succeed some day. ;)
Thanks again.


Yeah, me and Vanouper (The other creator of this universe) are actually trying to kickstart this universe again with a series of games and comics. I believe he is actually releasing another game, Bimmy: The Wolves, sometime this week. If you have any cool ideas or anything, you can let one of us know. Our minds are very open to ideas!