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I have two suggestions.

  1. Max item limit set to 999
  2. New option when you tinker with Weird Fish and Worms, “Feed the fish with hand full” uses a lot of Worms and always cause to start it’s random event.
(1 edit)

The only time you could reach 999 of an item is Either mega grind of constant New Game+

Kinda useless honestly.

It's actually quite easy to reach the 99 cap for seaweed and small fish.
Just go fishing with no bait, turn on an auto clicker at 1 click per 100 milliseconds, and go do something else for 20+ minutes.
(This is a fantastic way to train the Senses stat, especially if you undergo productivity hypnosis first.)


When will we need 999 Fish...

1 I can consider it, but in theory, you're not expected to have more than 99 of one thing.

2 haha I guess that's why you want 999 of something? It's a bit niche so I doubt I'll do it unfortunately