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(1 edit) (+3)

Devotion, very ironic because three Nameless took on everything just for their Happiness.

And finally, I saw something cliche other than a tsundere. Fighting 'Destiny', my anticipation got paid off.

By the way misspell near the end of the game. Mc named Alex as Isaac hahahahahaha

Edit: CC is cute as always

(1 edit) (+1)

Really ? can you tell me the exact scene so I can fix it? I thought I fixed all misspells!

During the game development, I was testing everything when a bug occurred and switched Alex's model with Isaac so a scene became Isaac just insulting himself back and forth like someone with a dissociative identity disorder.

I couldn't help but laugh at that scene and wish I could keep the bug but I fixed it in the end.

Edit: never mind I found the misspell lol 

I've played Null and - Destiny?? That's when "I" beat her?

no here: