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Oh; so, I have a question: I had a ‘working’ game (as a Game Boy ROM) ready by the end of the submissions, although it was only a really small beginning of something (I totally lacked time, so this is a crude first attempt at a Game Boy game) and still somewhat buggy/non-optimised.

I thought it was not worth to submit it, but seeing that some people still did submit their unfinished work (mind you, I still have the core mechanics, while some unfinished entries I saw lacked some) and that after all, this could be an occasion to get limited technical feedback and grant ratings to other games, do you accept in this case late submissions (through the special form)? Absolutely no cheating intended, I kept the game jam version of the program as is, and this is a total outsider. This is nothing really serious, I was just wondering how you viewed really unfinished entries and if you would rather have them or not. Thanks in advance, whatever the answer is!


Yes! Show your unfinished work! It's a game jam and we need to accept that things aren't perfect.