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I think somewhere down the line you should have a busty Salamander (humanized) that just lives for battle and when she insists on joining the party the MC is thinking "great, yet ANOTHER person that doesn't think with their brain... do I attract women that act first, think second or something??" (Since you mentioned CoC!) Yes, Celica, Metatron and Sarah are quite intelligent, and Aspisa is quite an intellectual, but between Ashley and Sam, I'm thinking the MC doesn't want another "thinking is maybe third or fourth on what to do when something happens"! 

When you post an update to check for glaring errors or issues for the beta crowd, how long before you feel comfortable posting it for the rest of us to enjoy? I'm not sure how long before you are ready for that yet, just looking forwards to the update!

Haha, a salamander is definitely possible, though the core party is pretty close to done (hopefully...). ut I like salamanders, was actually talking about it as a possible future monster girl earlier with a friend, though I'll stress there are no specific/set-in-stone plans for one currently.

The beta thing is pretty new, usually I only do some testing before release. The last few betas I've done have generally lasted around 3-4 days, and I usually work during the beta to add a little extra. I want to release as soon as possible, but I have to hit my personal minimum content quota (no glaringly unfinished stuff) and get through the beta without any major issues.


To be fair, the first paragraph was because you mentioned CoC, and the Salamander is a fun encounter in CoC (if a bit crazy!). You've been making this game for awhile, pretty sure most of the core stuff is figured out and it's more fine tuning and making sure it flows well now.

Seeing the new trust scenes with Ashley gives her more character and a better understanding of why she acts the way she does, but... Sarah' still my favorite! Dorky, underconfident fashion model is still better in my book!

It's been a long time since I played CoC but I remember liking the salamander there, and her sidequest - Hela I think? She was pretty interesting.

Sarah will be getting a lot more content soon, she's been kinda left behind in terms of new stuff and deserves better. But Ashley also needed love and I got to have fun with hers~