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To be fair, the first paragraph was because you mentioned CoC, and the Salamander is a fun encounter in CoC (if a bit crazy!). You've been making this game for awhile, pretty sure most of the core stuff is figured out and it's more fine tuning and making sure it flows well now.

Seeing the new trust scenes with Ashley gives her more character and a better understanding of why she acts the way she does, but... Sarah' still my favorite! Dorky, underconfident fashion model is still better in my book!

It's been a long time since I played CoC but I remember liking the salamander there, and her sidequest - Hela I think? She was pretty interesting.

Sarah will be getting a lot more content soon, she's been kinda left behind in terms of new stuff and deserves better. But Ashley also needed love and I got to have fun with hers~