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... i get the feeling the control scheme was ment more for gamepad users the keyboard one feels really uncomfortable almost cramped will rebinding the control mapping be an option in the future? also is it bad i recognize most of the stuff during my short playthru 10 bux eh lowtax musta really branched out, also echoing others here way too many insta kill hazards other then those two gripes seems fine not fell thru the floor yet... why do i get the feeling that guys files are cheese pizza?

Hey, thanks for the feedback, and thanks for checking it out! There's definitely a lot of 2000s internet culture in here, haha.

Control mapping is definitely something I want to have in the future. For now I've added a few alternate keys, so you don't have to use the JKL keys. I'm sorry you found it cramped, keyboard control schemes are hard to get right.

As for that guy, he's definitely super shady.