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I am pleased you noticed the save. It was a bit of a mind melt and in truth is the reason everything else is a bit rushed. We were very ambitious. If you upgrade the water your character gradually gets better at bouncing off of it. You only sink if you lose momentum once thats on. Also the wall upgrade house only actually has 2 levels. The first stops you falling off the map and you bouce off of it. The second warps you to the other wall of the map asteroids style. We will definitly fix it all up as it is not too much work to correct most of it. Just going to do my Jam duty and play and rate as many as I can before it closes. Then it's all polish baby. We did not get time to put the wolves in but I might make them too. They should be fun.


Oh, now I understood how the upgrades work. I checked it out again in the game and now I get it. Every level has a different upgrade. Level 1 is the water bounce, Level 2 the axe, and so one. I see. So you basically jump between world, collecting stuff, upgrading your character, go to another world where you can not collect stuff easier. Nice. I'll keep an eye on the post jam updates ;)