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What I liked :

  • Simple concept
  • Readability
  • The lazer that force you to move

What could be improved:

  • Without tutorial, I didn't know if I was suppose to move, what was the goal.
  • Add some SFX
  • Fancier graphics
  • Add some explanation to the 2 UI bars at the bottom.(health and phase progression)
  • Add a period of rest between two phases, otherwise it can quickly become overwhelming.
  • Add some reward at the end of a phase (at least visually), or as an upgrade, etc...

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the feedback! I definitely should have added some sort of tutorial into the game so it would avoid all the confusion. Yeah I should have added sound effects into the game as an indicator when losing health or blocking. I intended there to be rest spots, but I didn't balance the level properly so the rest spots became too difficult. Adding reward will defintely help make the game feel more fufilling, and a victory screen would also be good.