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Hey where did you find buttons or the boots blueprint? I'm going crazy here!!

As soon as we can post something without putting a spoiler in plaintext we will :) Or you can find us on the MVM discord - kkairos


you will get the boots once you have the mask, from what I remember.

Cant say where I found the buttons, where in some random bin along the way I guess.


FYI We're about to push a small update that should make the buttons and mask a bit easier to find.


The Update Zephyr was referring to has been published - you can refresh the page for the update :)


I'm afraid it has not made any difference that I can see. Shame as it means you can't get into the hot zone and finish the game.

Here is a hint (warning: Spoilers!)

GDrive Link - Spoilers!


Thanks!! I was going nuts trying to find it!