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The moment I realized that world looped over edge to edge was just wow! The way you get all the creatures to move, showing how to control them without text, is just so smart. I doubt I found everything, but I kinda like that about cryptic games.

I either really struggled to jump 3 units with the blob, or occasionally broke the physics and jumped 3 to 4 units with the blob.

I mostly just want to make more textless games now.

The blob has slightly different physics depending on circumstances. Normally the blob doesn't jump too high either way, although there are some tricky secret moves that increase mobility a little bit. They aren't needed to complete or enjoy the game, though.

Yep, most of my games have heavily relied on text, so I wanted a change of pace this time around. It was a surprisingly pleasant experience actually. The environmental storytelling perhaps wasn't quite as good as I would have liked, but game jam things.