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Short & Sweet.

I haven't encountered any bugs during my playthrough, the game was pretty easy to beat & took 2-3 minutes. The Effects & Graphics we're really nice but I did get slightly confused of what was a wall & what was floor at the center of Map 1.

I really liked the 'timeloop' at the end of the game where the credits keep going endlessly, that was unexpected.

I'd like to see more added to this later.

(2 edits)


I really wish I had more time to polish things up, make things more interesting, etc.

Credits thing was a bug first :P (Glad I kept it in!)

I'm curious, how many timelines did you encounter before ultimately succeeding?

1? It was the ending with all your friends surviving except the Cat.

I really should have made it a bit more difficult to succeed then. *sweatdrop*