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Can you be more specific than LGBTQ+?  Or does this game actually include L and G and B and T and Q and + content?

(1 edit)

I can change/remove it since the story is more focused on the L part, there are other parts of the community included in the game such as bisexual but I don't focus on it at all and it's just more of a mention.

EDIT: I changed it so it's more specific, I hope that helps. n.n

If you're so offended why not just move to Florida already? The other perks of living in the sunshine state include nonstop access to Disneyworld, EPCOT, the other movie theme parks, Legoland, and the ability to watch a SpaceX rocket liftoff into the early morning sky every once in a while, but on a regular basis, and not live streamed on YouTube but IRL... if you live close enough to the space coast.

What the fuck is your problem?

I'm not offended by LGBTQ+ content, I just have vastly different levels of interest in different letters of that alphabet soup.  L is relevant to my personal interests, G and T and Q generally are not (although I'll still play them if I like other aspects of the game).  T in particular often reduces to T as sexual fetish (which I don't like), T as comedy (which I usually find offensive), or yet another story about dealing with transphobia (which I see enough of in real life, thank you very much).