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Very aesthetically pleasing game! The little music was nice, and the little animations and actions that those little staff members perform are also pretty cute! The instructions were pretty clear imo, you have money, you have packs to buy, so you buy packs and place cards, very intuitive. However, there are a few things that I would like to point out (that I hope you could take into account for future improvement) : First, what is the focus of the game? Is it the income that the staff produce, gaining more and more money over time? Or is there some unordinary thing that is supposed to happen in the field after a while? Well if it's the former, then I think there should be at least a small animation where a number pops up like (+$100) on top of a staff member everytime they produce money, and the money text should be larger and more visible, so when there is a change, it would be very noticable. If it's the latter, I suggest that there should be some sort of hint of that something happening, or make it happen sooner (since it is a jam game after all). I went to day 460 with like $200k and 200M stars (which idk what it is for) and nothing much really happened so I left it at that. Another thing I would suggest to modify is that when a pack is too expensive to buy, instead of removing it from the options, just make it greyed out so that there is something to aim for.

Now other than that, the game was very well-made for the short amount of time. A great touch to the game was the post-processing that really gives it a cool vibe to it. Another well-implemented thing is the placement of the tiles, very clear and easy to place tiles with no overlapping as well. Things worked as they intended and I didn't really encounter any bugs. The font was very readible and suits the style. Really well-done, good job!

Oh wow, thank you so much for such a detailed and well thought out response!  Comments like these make itch such a valuable resource for indies.

As it was a 7 day game jam, I didn't really add any kind of end game.  It's just meant to be a short, calm, easy, relaxing game.  The money is produced every tick (day), so it happens constantly.  

Great idea about the pack, that would have made the UI so much better.  Wish I'd thought of it.  Thanks so much.