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Nice concept, and attacking samurais has never felt so satisfying!! The core game loop is nice, maybe you should continue working on it and make it a bit more interesting.

My only question is how the game ties in with the theme, maybe you could explain?

(1 edit)

Thankyou very much for the play, Btw we have chosen "It does sound like me theme " and as you can see player has a mask on his eyes so he can't  see with his eyes, so he listen to the frequency and attack when feels right. You ca read more in the Game description 

Ahhh that makes sense, super cool take on the theme :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing it maaz. 

Regarding the theme, as my colleague explained, we took a scientific approach on the Sound part of the theme "it does sound like me. Player has a tuning fork weapon, and he can only damage the Enemies and Obstacles when their Resonant Frequency matches with our weapon. Any Frequency vibration is Sound. Thus you can only damage when they "do sound  like you". 

You can learn about our conecpt of Resonant Frequency here:,to%20vibrate%20at%20its%20frequency.