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Full rating in all categories from me! I made the mistake playing this at 22:30 in the evening so my brain was mush after a long day, but nevertheless this is one of the best game I have played this jam. I am a sucker for puzzle games so this was right up my alley. My only critique would be to maybe add a mute button for the audio / music, as the soundtrack became a little repetitive. I am impressed at how sophisticated you have managed to build the levels. I can only imagine how long time you have spend play-testing and making sure each level was beatable. Even the text segments, which can be a danger to game flow, felt natural and took a coherent part in the gameplay. All in all, a suberb game! Well done! :-D

Thank you for the well-considered and glowing review! I'm glad that you enjoyed : )

I'll definitely add a mute.