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(your game starts at 50:57)

I livestreamed this game, and was enjoying it, but sadly I got soft-locked pretty early on.

  • Cool concept! I have no idea of how the map reveal function is handled. My best guess is some super-imposed layer? Good job on it anyway.
  • I rather enjoyed the exploration/gathering short rounds! It was neat and snappy.
  • It would be great if the exploration feature has a simple "retry" prompt instead of always sending you back on the town.
  • When placing wells it would be amazing if it showed he area of effect it will cleanse so you can plan the best place to put it and save precious space.
  • Without a way to move or destroy buildings, I got stuck once my bad (I guess?) planning prevented me from building anything else. I understand it was probably due to time constraints and coding. If nothing else, a destruction function would work wonders.
  • More work, but probably necessary QoL: when building a new piece, it should display the space around it it would make "unavailable" once built.
  • Maybe it's because I was streaming, but I did notice some lag in your base. Probably the code + the CPU being busy streaming, but it would be nice if that could be smoothed.
  • I did not get very far. Once I reached the northwest corner of the build map and headed down, I ran out of building space. Could not build houses, and therefore could not build any more wells for space, nor destroy badly-placed ones. I was not willing to have to redo the tutorial again, so I can't speak about the rest of the game.

I'm fairly sure I would have enjoyed this game had it had more time to smooth out the big problems. I can't blame it, since the short time frame and probably intensive coding might have been incompatible. It's a pity, but this might be a good project to keep expanding or at least polishing more.