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there is no way to change them...

:( Nevertheless, congrats on making it work!

With bombing, I did it on two successive moves:

  1. (Move 'n') Main goes left
  2. (Move 'n+1') Bomby explodes

So in my view, Main one shouldn't explode, but I guess it was still slightly colliding at the moment of explosion

(1 edit) (+1)

No issue ;-)

I am really thankfull for feedback in all cases!

Regarding Level 3:
if you are in this situation and bomby is going to explode in the next round, roby has to wait one turn during the explosion. Then it is solvable.

I see it like this, we analyze more people playing and if this is pretty common, we might want to remove that robots are exploding if they start moving into the radius during the explosion (we would basically only look at the position right before the explosion).

I am 90% sure I waiter Roby's turn during explosion. It seems like the the turns are not exactly discrete and I guess Roby's previous turn (going left) might not have been fully finished