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As a colorblind, I'm really happy to watch videos about accessibility (GMTK ♥) :D

For the sensitivity, an easy way would be :

- creating 2 variables (keyboard & mouse, gamepad)

- switching when you change controller

- using Time.deltaTime to fix this frame dependency problem ;)


Yeah, it's an important topic! I also enjoy the GMTK videos, really in-depth and actually helpful for devs!

Thanks for the suggestions. Using 2 variables for the different input modules is a good idea!
The problem regarding the frame rate dependency comes from Unity's Cinemachine Input Provider (I guess) or maybe the Axis Control itself. I found a similar bug inside the Cinemachine bug tracker, maybe that's my problem. Input/Timings are handled by Cinemachine, I haven't changed anything here :(


Cinemachine can be buggy but overall it's a really powerfull tool that I love ♥

(it's what I used in WASD quartet btw :) )