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Le Jo

A member registered Aug 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot ! Ah ah, I could increase the maximum but I think I'm gonna work to make a real game with more mechanics and a really big Pyramid :D

Sadly, the ramp is connected with the floor and if it goes up, the slaves workers already on the floor below would be elevated... But I agree it's a bit sad to see them waiting xD

Oh thank you for the lesson ♥

Nice concept ♥

Feedbacks :

- wall of text (especially for a game jam) is tough

- adding feedbacks for everything would be appreciated

- having a team mate to make music would be really cool (and it's fun to have a team)

Thanks ♥

Yeah, I was worried that people doesn't mash the click button and see it's not that slow xD

Updated version will be up tomorrow with sliders working if you guys wants to go for 4 hours pyramid clicker xD

Thanks a lot ♥

An updated version would be available after the jam to have the slider working (it was only 1 line of code, I'm mad) :D

And I think I'm gonna make a real version for Steam with more mechanics as my "ideas list" for this game went big really quick but couldn't make it within the game jam :3

Thanks ♥

Nice SFX/music and overall style. Just the delay for a FPS is awful T-T

Super cool train game ♥

Feedback :

  • 8 pages of texts as tuto is way too tough (especially for a game jam)
  • the train hitbox is a bit too big (it's often on the square above it)

Cool idle game with nice looking.

Feedbacks :

  • early game is way too slow
  • UI is a bit too big
  • a wall of texts as instructions is really tough

A bit repetitive for the gameplay and the music but not bad for a first game ♥

As feedback, I think you should really add tons of SFX :)

So polished. Feeling really good to play and the mechanics are good ♥

Great SFX but I think the music is a bit too fast for a puzzle game :3

Well, after the 3 first stones, you can just click on workers and chill ;)  ♥

The try hard is real xD

Well done ! :D

Oh my god ! You guys are crazy :D ♥

Would be great to have not to restart :3

Also, the click doesn't seem to work :/

It's really cool but the controls/binds are way too complex and feel unresponsive so it's hard to play. Was funny to see the car jumping though :D

You should team-up with music/SFX person since it seems that you're good for coding ♥

Thanks !

Yeah, I've no idea why but the fullscreen seems to change something for the game physics xD


Art and idea are really cool but why did you make a platformer when the tranformations and fight are so cool ??? :O

The platform feels really clunky, don't go for that when you have so much potential in the move set (the right-click in the air with the form 2 is insane) ♥

Yup ! I thought we were too low and had to put the box above the middle square (impossible to do xD).

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Ah ah ♥

Don't be sorry, I'm bad and you won't have the time to make a tips system (and tips aren't always good).

I found it ! :D


Really cool idea and well polished. Sadly, I got a black screen bug (music and SFX still running).

I didn't understand the energy system and I think it would have been better to make 3 different levels just to start little and become really big :)

Also, right click to cancel is way better than space imo ♥

Art style is top !

Funny idea but I think being able to move freely the cereal box would have been even better :D

The music is a bit repetitive and SFX are super important for this kind of game I think :3

Super cool music and SFX. The gameplay part is ok but sometimes, I could just let the ball rolling without doing anything :3

The artstyle and SFX are really cool. The inputs are quite confusing (AZERTY keyboard) :3

Oh this is a really interesting feedback. Thanks a lot ♥

The game is beautiful and the SFX and music are great. I found the gameplay tedious but it' a matter of taste ♥

Looks really nice. Maybe a little chill music would have add a lot ♥

I got stucked at level 5 T-T

Fun idle game but the balance seems a bit off. We stay way too long on the helicopter :3

Also, it would have been great to have music/SFX (maybe team up with a person to do this next time ♥)

More visual feedbacks on the constructions and when it's ready to click again could be great too :)

(1 edit)

Wow ! This idea is amazing ! :D

Feedbacks :

- SFX would have add so much enjoyment ♥

- I feel like only 2 bridges really matter :3

- Having a clear counter or "road bar" to see if you're doing well or not would be cool :)

Art + SFX/music are really nice.

For the gameplay, I didn't really understand. It's better to avoid wall of text especially in any game (especially in a game jam). Just having a little sentence or better "show don't tell" for a tutorial is really the way to go ♥

Wow ! So polished ! The jumps feel really good and art/music is cool :)

BUG - when we click Retry, it seems to skip the level :3

Some good ideas for a puzzle game. I think it could have been funnier with higher scale speed :3

You should team up with art and music/SFX people ♥

Interesting gameplay loop at first then you become a monster. Sadly I got stucked with the first jump T-T

I think you really got the skills for code/ideas. You really should team up with art and SFX/music people to make something even better ♥

"Run the game in Steam" ? oO

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Are you serious ? xD

Yes it is. My computer could run in Editor with 200 workers xD

Yeah I refined the code for the workers 3 times xD

So sad I missed the line of code for the slider "side of pyramid" T-T

I agree with you ! :)

I wrote down tons of ideas on a list but I couldn't do much more in 3 days xD

Interesting idea. Maybe having a life bar would have been better. I died too much T-T