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The visuals and audio are super clean here. Great use of screen real estate and colors. The mechanics are simple for the most part, which I think is good for a puzzle game, and especially good for a jam game (too complicated = people won't really play your game. Ask me how I know XD). My main criticism of the game is that the strategy seems very localized. What I mean is that you basically _can't_ play for the future. You have to make the best of the next square with no real ability to look into the future to build a strategy. I'd love to see how this game feels if you can see the next turn or two ahead of time to allow the player to start strategizing as to how to optimize their board. I pretty consistently get between 1200 and 1300 in the few games I've played. Overall a very solid entry that does the 64x64 restriction very well.

Valuable feedback, thank you!