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Ouroboros is one of the games who deserve not only to win this game jam, but to be sold. Is really that good. Replayable with lots of skills and combinations for your characters, unique graphic style, you can rush to the end or unlock everything, lots of dialogue and descriptive texts, good music…this game has everything. The only nitpick I have with this game is to make the floors of the sanctuary a liiiiittle more recognizable and memorable. But it’s a nitpick, the game is perfect as it is. Really good job, I hope that will get what you deserve (to win and getting more opportunities as a game developer) and it was really a honor to playtest this game.


Aww, thanks Michael, you flatter me! The game isn't perfect but I did the best I could. I agree with you: the "levels" should be more recognizable. I'll improve that after the jam!

When it’s hard to find flaws, the game is near to the perfection, I think! Can’t wait for your next work, then! ☺️