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The intro literally made me cry. Anyone who has had a dog and experienced when a dog leaves this world has probably felt the same way. The music is great. You are really talented and I wish you success in your music career. The only complaint is that it would be better to continue from the same place after losing a life than to start all over again.

Hi! I'll be honest, wasn't expecting to make this huge impact with the story but I'm so happy you commented!
I tried my best to make the story, graphics and music heartwarming! Thanks for the support, I'll try my best to make it into the music world someday, that means a lot to me, Letipas, appreciate it a lot!
About the checkpoints, I wish I could add more, didn't think about that before deadline, but I'll surely fix it after the jam, and extend it, didn't think this game would have so positive feedback!