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(1 edit) (+2)

Hi all!

Name: Victor

Age: Old

From: Indonesia

Never have any experience in writing codes

Never have any experience in game development

Eager to learn how to make a very simple game that at least my children will like it.

I do have limited experience in 3D modelling, maybe that will help me a bit. LOL.

Best Regards.


PS: By the way.. How I encounter superpowers? Well, I want to make a very simple game, and I search about open source game maker, and superpowers were shown in the top 3 in the list.

Hey, that's pretty good that Superpowers was listed so high up in the search!

Welcome aboard and good luck! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the warm welcome.

By the way, just 1 simple stupid question.. when we work in superpowers, do we have to be online all the time?

UPDATE: Sorry, I think I need to read more tutorial about this.. LOL Just forget my question above.. :D

haha no problem, I get ahead of my self sometimes as well, and I tend to ask instead of reading lol :)