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I really liked this entry because it was simple and directly felt like it was leaning into the theme.

The controls were good, but the clocks felt too random to me, both in their placement and in their "punishment". Since any alarm ringing seems just as bad as 5 alarms ringing you're always going to get to a point where you simply cannot reach the current clock before the next starts ringing. And since the snooze time seems to be random the order of them changes.

I had one run where I got lucky and all of the clocks were the maximum distance away so I could just windmill my arm as quick as possible to always get to the clocks quickly, but even then a loss was effectively guaranteed when the random time for a clock to start ringing was less than the time it took to do a full rotation.

Random thoughts: It might have been nice to see how long until the alarm is going to go off, and maybe even be able to extend the snoozing by keeping your hand over it. 

Great entry, though! 

Yeah, both the spawning of new alarm clocks and the snooze durations are randomized. It was a way to get a little more out of the game with a short development time. If I had more time, I'd design it to still be non-deterministic, but more predictable so it's possible to develop strategies.

It is worse to have 5 alarm clocks ringing than just 1, but it's diminishing returns. I ended up using a square-root scaling for the number of alarm clocks that are ringing. So having 4 alarms ringing is twice as bad as having just 1 ringing, 9 alarms ringing is twice as bad as having 4 ringing, etc. Also, having no alarm clocks ringing can recover your sleep, with 1 second of no ringing being the inverse of 2 seconds of one alarm clock ringing.

Having a visual indicator for when the alarm clock goes off next would help with strategy, but feels kind of counter to the intent of the game. When you're trying to sleep in, staring at your clock is kind of counter-productive. As to keeping your hand over it to extend the timer: that was actually kind of a glitch at one point. You could snooze the alarm even when it wasn't alarming, which extended the timer. I ended up fixing that bug before uploading, so it isn't in the game anymore. It could be interesting to have an intentional version of that in the game, though.