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A member registered May 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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I liked the concept but unfortunately ran into some issues with it relating to my hand filling up with tiles I couldn't place. The art was nice and it was very satisfying seeing tiles change as you played other tiles nearby.

I think the idea has a lot of merit if some of the kinks are worked out and gameplay is a bit more streamlined to make it less likely to get softlocked. 

I do think the theme could have been worked a bit more closely into the gameplay, but I definitely understand chasing that desire to work on an idea you've been kicking around for a while :D

Great job on the entry!

Same issues as others mentioned unfortunately :(

The art looks really nice, and I really like the ideas that seem to be shown here. Hopefully you manage to iron out the issues with Unity's web player, because it can definitely be a bit of a hassle :(

Great work on getting something submitted, though! 

(1 edit)

A very solid entry with a nice balance between finding the optimal route and being able to execute it.

Some of the hitboxes were a bit weird, and it took me some getting used to to realize that "grabbing food" only brought it onto the floor and then it needed to be grabbed again. 

Maybe would have been nice to have a visible task list before ending the level, I wouldn't want it to show where to go, just show that there are more things to do so there's at least the feeling that levels can be done on the first try. Currently it kinda felt like the "optimal" play was to just immediately leave to see what needed to be done before resetting :P

Great work on the entry!
(Did all tasks on all days btw 😎)

I really liked this entry because it was simple and directly felt like it was leaning into the theme.

The controls were good, but the clocks felt too random to me, both in their placement and in their "punishment". Since any alarm ringing seems just as bad as 5 alarms ringing you're always going to get to a point where you simply cannot reach the current clock before the next starts ringing. And since the snooze time seems to be random the order of them changes.

I had one run where I got lucky and all of the clocks were the maximum distance away so I could just windmill my arm as quick as possible to always get to the clocks quickly, but even then a loss was effectively guaranteed when the random time for a clock to start ringing was less than the time it took to do a full rotation.

Random thoughts: It might have been nice to see how long until the alarm is going to go off, and maybe even be able to extend the snoozing by keeping your hand over it. 

Great entry, though! 

I liked how the movement and jumping felt, but couldn't get past the first screen where you see the roof of the barn, so I'm not sure how much more there is after that :D 

I think I had difficulty seeing how the amount of rooster squish related to the power of the jump, I don't know if it was just my eyes playing tricks, or if it wasn't directly linear from squish amount to jump power, but it felt like it was making it harder to gauge any jump that wasn't full power.

The rooster theming is nice but I think I would have liked ifmore had been done with working the theme into the gameplay. It feels like this game could have any assets attached to it and it would fit any theme as well. 

Great job with the game!