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Hiya man! Thanks for the report, I'll get on them right now!

In the case of the save files, you can transfer your saves by:

1)Going into the "www" folder of the old game file.

2)Copying the "saves" folder

3)Pasting the old save file into the new game folder!

Let me know if you're unable to do so yeah! 

thanks managed to find that out myself just right before - but I wanted to start over anyway to check some things - i.e: if Lenas indoctrination really had no event/cg and if you could get the little girl to actually drink the serum too

making money by working at the shop feels useless - scavenging gives you enough money without using time ingame - it is just annoying clicking...


the latest upgrad with jace is a bit weird - you have to visit her several times at night in the tent - every time you speeak to her she says stuff like "I know what you do here" (but up to this point in game development it is nothing?!?) and stuff like "bring someone else along"

at the last visit a thug-npc appeared with her in the tent - was this guy supposed to be there every time?


is there a reason for the 50 day time limit? - with getting everyone maexed out as far as possible I got rather close to the 50 days time limit

and when I skipped the remaining days on purpose the poster in the room just said

3 days left

2 days left

1 day left

0 days left

-1 days left