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Great looking game! I love the character designs a lot, especially of the main girls and the moonshine grandma. The environments are also quite beautiful and there's a lot done to make them feel alive, despite that post apocalyptic vibe the game's got going on. Speaking of that, I love the subtle world building - really makes me want to see more.

The gameplay is very light at the moment. The puzzles that are there vary a lot in quality. I didn't much enjoy chasing the rats (I wasn't sure how to predict their movements.  I figured they'd stop at walls, but sometimes they stopped part way!) so it made it almost too easy. Maybe I'm just feeling burned because I tried to overthink it. I liked the water pipe puzzle. Watching where the water was coming out and adjusting accordingly felt a lot more rewarding.

Some music choices didn't jive with me. I love the song that plays on the trainstation map, but the song that plays on the map to the south of there quickly got annoying to me (I forget if it played north of there as well.)

Really interested in seeing what else you have in store for this. Congrats on making it in the judge's top 10!

Thank you so much, Makio! We are glad you enjoyed the game overall. 
And also~ Congrats for the top 10 placement and good luck! :3