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I have a rather complicated answer for this, since it's something where for a while I've tried to gauge in my head how feasible it'd be and how much it'd be worth pursuing it, and if so, how.

The game's control scheme was not designed in a way that is feasible to make work directly on Android between the sheer number of buttons used and the precision the game expects with both aiming and movement.

But more importantly the performance would almost certainly be dreadful given the game wasn't coded to consider that possibility in advance, so even barring that, it might be flat out impossible to port the game as-is (more on that in a bit) without recoding the entire game from scratch.

However, I have thought before about the possibility of how I'd go about making a mobile-focused adaptation or spinoff of the game before, with more mobile-friendly controls and gameplay while still feeling as close to the original as possible.

I just haven't ever really come up with any idea that I find satisfactory to being true enough to the original while also taking advantage of the upsides that a touchscreen can bring to the mix, while minimizing the drawbacks that a game like this tends to have on such devices.

Platformers with more complex control schemes, from what I've seen, haven't had the best history with being adapted to touchscreens, so admittedly it'd be an interesting design challenge to try to overcome some day...

Unfortunately I'm at present busy with another project and can't really look into that, since it'd probably take at least months to actually make and my current project is somewhat time-sensitive.

Though, now that I know there's any actual demand for it... I'll try to keep in mind that there's actually any reason to bother pursuing such a mobile adaptation or spinoff, part of the reason I hadn't bothered pursuing it before was out of uncertainty on if anybody would even actually care.

Keep in mind, the dev team mostly consists of three people, and I'm basically the only programmer and designer on the PC version of the game, and likely the only programmer/designer who'd be working on such a hypothetical mobile adaptation, so I can't exactly just get a bunch of people on that to put it out in like, 2 weeks or something, sadly. But re-using assets from the PC version and knowing roughly what I want out of it would save a bit of time over making a fully new game at least, so there is that...?

I'll try to remember to let you know if it ever happens though! It just... probably is gonna be a while if it ever does, I'm really sorry about that!

Well a phone attached to a controller should work. I'd probably go for a Twin-Stick control scheme. Also Gaming Phones exist, but yeah Time, Money these are things we don't always have as Adults sadly. Good game though I be waiting for your next game hopefully you guys won't forget about us Linux users. 😊


Yeah, an Android port that specifically requires a gamepad would work just fine, I just really don't wanna require that. I don't like feeling like I'm making something half-baked, I wanna make an actually good port, adaptation, etc. for Android users, preferably with controller support and a good touchscreen-based control scheme. Like... I dunno, remember the Game Boy Mega Man games (...if you've ever played any of them and/or heard about them...)? Remember how those kept in mind the limitations of the Game Boy? Ideally, I want to make an effort as high quality as that if I can help it.

And, yeah, twin stick is what the game uses on console and on gamepad on PC, it's just a really unconventional setup since twin stick isn't precise enough for everything on its own actually, I needed to implement two separate twin stick aiming styles that you can switch between at the press of a button for different situations. maybe some time when I'm stumped on what to do with my current project or feeling tired from working on one project too much I'll look into putting together a proof of concept one episode demo-ish thing of an adaptation for mobile and see what people think, and then go from there...

Also... believe me, I haven't been forgetting Linux. More, just been crossing my fingers that Valve's Proton can cut it for my games for now until I have reasonable means with which to make Linux ports, and barring that, I'm willing to see what I can do to get it up and running in such things. I wanna screw around with trying to run my stuff on the Raspberry Pi I have around using Box86 and Wine for the heck of it some day, I've thought about trying to set up a dual boot setup on my current computer, and if I ever have the money, I have my eye on the Steam Deck. I like Linux and have it on my mind a lot, just don't have the means to port to it natively at least for now, sadly.

Hopefully some day! any rate, my next project also might potentially be easier to port to Android... though we'll see in practice I guess, it's kind of an odd one...? I don't know how to explain.