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An interesting spin on the theme and a nice premise for a potentially larger game.


  • The models are pretty well designed (especially the main player character bot) and visually seem to fit their rolls in the story well.
  • When the music felt timed to the story beats it actually added a lot of emphasis to what was happening at the time.
  • Cool to think outside the box of what a typical mech game is or looks like and it's neat what you came up with.


  • The first song to play as the game starts is super intense and then when it ends the music goes back to something far more mellow. This was opposite of what the story was doing since you start out just idling in an office and then you get sent on a super special mission. I would have preferred the opening music to be the mellow stuff and then when I get briefed on the mission it swaps over to the intense stuff to ramp up the anticipation.
  • The static imagery for each of the scenes would definitely benefit from some updates as the dialog plays out. Even something so little as the ability to see the player character's face as certain things happen and see the goofy eyes on the front of that mech react to the next story beat would definitely elevate the experience.
  • The artwork for the environments and the individual mechs was cool, but they ended up just looking really cool in T-pose rather than looking like they were nicely framed in the environment to give context to the game/story so the static imagery for context of the story ended up feeling off as a result.