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Nooo why are you doiiing that to meee?!

Ahem, I tend to hate friendship endings in games, so it may impede me from 100%'ing the game XD - but don't worry, that's my own issue.

Though now you made me curious - why should his route be a turn-off to some people? I mean, not asking for spoilers about events here, but rather I'd like to know if you're saying that because he's an antagonist per se, or if some elements of the route or the character's behavior make you fear that?

(1 edit)

Hi, Konoi! 


Well, The antagonist's behavior and actions aren't exactly likeable >< Maya will have to do some great effort/even OOC choices to be able to get near him. The romance will be very slow just like Rama's route in Winged Ones, but I hope it will be more satisfactory than Rama's 'no kiss scene' route x'D

My proofreaders haven't gotten to this part yet so there might be some loopholes I didn't notice, which is my greatest concern x_x;

Maybe I'm overthinking things? I guess my toothache and holidays with my big family distracted me until I can't focus OTL

Aww, tootache is awful - I have some teeth issues at the moment too.

Funny thing about what you said - I actually NEVER noticed Rama's route has no kiss scenes (and god knows how many times I've played the game) until the Steam version. And I wouldn't have noticed either if it wasn't for the trophies - since you put trophies for the kissing scenes, so obviously he doesn't have one. I tend to notice stuff like that, so it means I think the route is very satisfactory without a kiss scene. I dunno, I liked it just the way it was. But then again, this is the most satisfactory route ever to me, so yeah, I guess some people may be bothered by that? 

OOC choices may be a very cool thing, actually, as long as the character thinks to him/herself something like "I don't really know why I did that". Heart no Kuni no Alice makes an interesting use of that. While romance choices heavily depend on the character you're romancing, you also have a hidden "sense of responsibility" stat. That's basically Alice's urge to go back on Earth and finish what she had to do there, go back to her life and put it straight and things like that. A bit like Tamara's thoughts about her having to deal with her uncle and stuff. Since at the beginning Alice wants to go back, the in-character choices are those that add sense of responsibility points. But if at the end of the game you have more than 3, she'll feel like she must go back on Earth which basically grants you the bad ending for any route you're currently playing. For her to stay in Wonderland and get her happy ending with your chosen bachelor, you have to go a bit OOC on responsibilty choices.

You too? o.o what a coincidence! One of my proofreaders also have a dentist appointment next week x'D  and yep, toothache is really a pain. I can't eat sweets too much and now I'm afraid to eat chocolate :'( 

Aah, yes thank you for telling me about Heart no Kuni no Alice!
I sometimes complicate things when it could be solved with something like "I don't really know why I did that", which is why I often go back and forth in editing ><;  

And I'm glad to hear you like Rama's route! Quite a lot of people doesn't have the patience to deal with him and I feel touched you think it's perfect even without a kiss scene :'D ...actually, I also didn't notice until a few people pointed it out and I was like, 'Oh' x'D it just feels natural for me but I guess you can't make everyone happy ><

Okay, I'll stop overthinking things and just write--even if it's a rough draft, I could always smooth it out later instead of overthinking things and not writing (why does it take me a long time to realize this OTL)

Thank you for listening to my rants, Konoi! *hugs*
Happy holidays! 

Always happy to listen and help if I can!

And happy holidays to you too!