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You too? o.o what a coincidence! One of my proofreaders also have a dentist appointment next week x'D  and yep, toothache is really a pain. I can't eat sweets too much and now I'm afraid to eat chocolate :'( 

Aah, yes thank you for telling me about Heart no Kuni no Alice!
I sometimes complicate things when it could be solved with something like "I don't really know why I did that", which is why I often go back and forth in editing ><;  

And I'm glad to hear you like Rama's route! Quite a lot of people doesn't have the patience to deal with him and I feel touched you think it's perfect even without a kiss scene :'D ...actually, I also didn't notice until a few people pointed it out and I was like, 'Oh' x'D it just feels natural for me but I guess you can't make everyone happy ><

Okay, I'll stop overthinking things and just write--even if it's a rough draft, I could always smooth it out later instead of overthinking things and not writing (why does it take me a long time to realize this OTL)

Thank you for listening to my rants, Konoi! *hugs*
Happy holidays! 

Always happy to listen and help if I can!

And happy holidays to you too!