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Since I'm also using TIC-80 for the very first time in this jam I can really appreciate some of the effort you put in to the features that are in there. Sure, it's not a complete game yet, but I'm impressed by the smooth animations of both the walk cycle and the aiming of the gun, that must have taken some clever code! 

The destructible environments and the nice artwork reminds me of Metroid, I can totally sense a neat mechtroidvania game hiding in there! 

Cheers PoodlePilot, there is some maths behind the movement and the rotation functions. The leg displacement is built multiplying a step with a triangle function. The rotation isn't quite right yet, but it uses the tic80 methods for drawing triangles. I will polish up that method and write a devlog. Rotation around a point (other than the centre of the sprite) could be handy for other tic80 coders.