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I like the art style and the gameplay is definitely unique. However, I kept running into bugs like my dice detaching or my character becoming invincible. I also enjoyed the music as it fits the theme pretty well. Overall, good job!

Yeah, the die detaching is the bug that has been mentioned the most. Though I hope you didn't also mistake the die entanglement as a bug. You can use SPACEBAR and SHIFT to extend and reel in your die respectively. And when the die gets entangled, you can use SHIFT to reel yourself into a tackle.

I'm glad you liked it though!


No, I actually thought that gameplay mechanic was done really well. Hooking purple stacks and tackling them felt really satisfying. Really cool game overall.


Oh thank god! I've seen people mistake the entanglement as a bug so much that I was already getting tired of explaining it, haha.

Sorry if I came across as a bit rude in my first comment.