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(2 edits)

Oh honey, that's not what I'm not talking about. I'm talking about the main character. I actually really dug the fact that, for the most part, there isn't a description of the MC so the player is free to imagine the appearance to their liking. Personally, I was pulled out of the story every time she got "white knuckles" when she's scared. There are people who play this who would like to have darker skin described for their characters, but the default is the MC having light skin. It would be cool to have racial inclusivity included, is all I'm saying. If you're okay with other inclusivity, you shouldn't have a problem with this unless you have a problem with darker skin people existing in irl. Not just one type of people play these games and it would be nice to include them. :-)

I say this with kindness, no judgment. Like, just think about it okay. It seems like a silly hangup to be okay to not include everyone in a game that showcases accessibility to everyone. It's just my opinion, we are all allowed to have one. :-)

I hate to be that guy and correct me if I'm completely wrong and out of line - BUT if youre talking about the words 'white knuckled' or having 'white knuckles' its not literally describing the mc's skin tone - it's a common term used to describe displaying or characterized by extreme excitement or fear. I think it's called 'white' because when you clench your fist hard enough, you can actually see the knuckle bone.  But yeah, in interactive fiction with no set description I think these are phrases that you should probably be wary of when youre writing,  like the phrase 'turning red' when describing  a character blushing or 'turning blue' if a characters cold

As the person above me has said "white knuckled" IS just an expression.

Here's what comes up on google when you search "white knuckled grip meaning":

Even I, as a white person, don't have white knuckles even when I grip tightly and I'm extremely pale. In fact, if you DID have completely white knuckles I would be low-key concerned.

While I understand where you're coming from, please look it up before you start accusing people. It's definitely not fun to be discriminated against or forgotten about. While there isn't anything wrong with using this particular phrase there might be a problem somewhere else, and for that, I recommend contacting the devs on their discord server if you can. Respectfully of course.

As for the different mother part. If you choose to be human you will have the same mother as your cannon sister, if you choose a different race you will have different mothers. BUT even when you have the same mother the physical traits that are true for her don't HAVE to be true for your character. Even if siblings don't look anything alike they can still have the same parents, they don't even have to look like their parents and they can still be related. Genetics are a complicated thing.