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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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So I see this on my feed, I click on the page. I see white, pastel blue, pastel pink and a cute dude - I'm thinking "Aw, this is a cute game,,, Huh? Content warnings?"

I click.



...sigh *clicks run game*

First of  all I'd like to congratulate you on finishing the enhanced demo! I love it all! I am particularly OBSESSED with the UI <3

Second I've found some tiny bugs (I think they're more like errors?) I'm gonna leave them here, I hope that's okay. :)


Kayn spooked Fenir so bad he became a floating torso! (lol) I believe this was the first scene in the library.


This is the second meeting with Kuna'a. The second "their" (highlighted) should be "they".


I think here Aisa's sprite is supposed to be behind Kuna'a's. (The last confrontation before our Central buddies appear.)

I would also like to suggest adding numbering to the "save" and "load" pages since it's quite disorientating not having an indication of which page I'm on.

Otherwise everything else runs super smooth! :D

Nah, I have considerate higher than manipulative and I have the same issue

(1 edit)

I pre-ordered the game on here and my digital key was on the Download page! Under the download buttons there is a "claim steam key" section!

I've come bearing gifts... in the form of a bug report lol

I chose to have the choices be a drop-down menu, here are the ones that didn't like my choice:

There's a line repeated in the new update:

Also, idk what can be done about this (other than changing it) but Archers' symbol doesn't show up (at least on my PC):

Sadly their last Tumblr post is from December 2022 and I didn't find any other social media :(

Scroll down?

Hello, hello It's me again lol

I've come to report that Ulrich is referred to with "her" on the "I want you" path

(1 edit)

I got the "this is a null path" in Ch4 I was on Ulrich's route and agreed to the Ulrich+Tala poly

Same thing happens on Weylin's route

Before downloading new ver: Listen, listen, who am I to deny more content served to me on a silver platter?? AND FOR FREE???? Replaying rn.

After: Bro this shit is so cute wtf 🥺 I love this game UGH Im a sucker for soulmate shit! Devoured this game in one sitting 💜 10/10 would do it again

Is this abandoned?


1. Al. What can I say? I love tsunderes 💙

2. Meeting Al. When he said "My name is Al Gebra" I turned a full 180 degrees from my screen, then I just stood like that for a full minute just soaking it in 💀

3. Yes, definitely. This was so fun! I love the humor, it's the perfect amount of "wtf" to have me continuously giggling. 

My thoughts:

Also, this game reminds me of another game like this. I think it might be "Just Kiss Him Already!" but I haven't played that in a while so I'm not sure. 😓 Anyway, this is a super cute game and I love your art style! The bright backgrounds, your art style, the humor - UGH it all fits so well!! Would def love it if you decide to add more to it!

AAAAAAAH this is so cuteeeee stop 🥺

(1 edit)

Edit: Putting this as a reply to my own comment because this person blocked me after spouting their hateful bullshit so I can't reply to them LMAO But this is important for me to say so I will still post it. So if anyone's interested in what polyamory is and wants to be informed here you go:

Short answer:

Googled "definition of polyamory":

Googled "polyamory vs adultery":

Long answer using your sources:

Adultery as stated in your sources: "The unfaithfulness of a married person to the marriage bed; sexual intercourse by a married man with another than his wife, or voluntary sexual intercourse by a married woman with another than her husband."

1. If we want to be petty, the characters aren't married.

2. If a married couple wants to have a threesome, or bring a third into their relationship CONSENSUALLY that is still not adultery by this definition.

By the way, using this definition means married gay couples can't practice adultery. It also says that a married person making out or dry humping or being in love with someone else isn't considered adultery. 🤷‍♀️

Infidelity as stated in your sources: "3. Unfaithfulness, particularly in married persons; a violation of the marriage covenant by adultery or lewdness." and "4. Breach of trust; treachery; deceit; as the infidelity of a friend or a servant. In this sense, unfaithfulness is most used."

As I said in my previous comment and as stated in the screenshots of my google searches: polyamory is consensual. There is no lying. There is no deception. There is no unfaithfulness.

In conclusion:

Adultery and infidelity are not the same thing as polyamory.

I hope by now you and everybody else who thinks like you understand that: adultery is not polyamory, infidelity is not polyamory. And if you still refuse to accept the explanations that use sources provided by both you and me, well then I guess being hateful is easier than being informed. There is nothing else I can do for you.

I hope the next time someone tries to correct you or inform you, you will look at it from not only your angle but their angle as well. Good day.

Me literally 2 seconds after finishing the demo:

LMAO thanks for answering my questions 💀💀

Seriously though, great start I'm deffinitely intrigued! Also this is the closest I've come to being able to recreate one of my (more intricate) OCs in an IF game. Shes Fae.... which is my recently tought up excuse for shoving every possible fantastical feature onto her 🗿

PS: In the middle of the char creation I thought "I wonder if the wings will be needed for something" and then I slapped some of those bad boys on fgveyiask

ANYWAYS I'm gonna go now before I think up another absolute UNIT of questions 🗿

I've got a question. (proceeds to type a wall of text- oops-)

Are The Nine only siblings in name or are they actually related? How are the poly dynamics going to work if they are related? Cuz, personally, that would feel really freaking weird (even if they are ...demons? ...devils?). I know they are made of the devils' organs but does that mean he is their father???

Also, why is Commander Anil/Aiden only referred to as "Anil" in the demo? Is the Phantom Weaver an RO? They have romance points but aren't mentioned on this page. What does the "AMAB/AFAB" in the characters' description mean exactly? (are they intersex, gender selectable??)

So many questions 😫

PS: Sorry about the wall of text... and the many questions :')

PPS: there seems to be some kind of error in the MCs profile

UGH, I'm so excited for this! I wish it was February already 😫

You can always check for yourself what each game on is made with! Just click on the "More information" button above the Development log and look at the "Made with" section.

In the case of this game, it says "Made with Krita, Twine, Paint Tool SAI"

WHOA, being in a poly relationship and cheating are two VERY different things! To be in a poly relationship everybody has to be informed of who's dating whom and doing what - EVERYBODY in the relationship is informed and consenting.

Of course, cheating does exist in poly relationships but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

Obviously, nobody is forcing you to like it or be a part of it but saying that polyamory is adultery is just plain wrong.

Great demo so far! Makes me feel things :')

Although you definitely need to read through it again as there are quite a few spelling mistakes/missing words and exception screens. Also when I pick the friend option for Cy they are still referred to as a lover.

Hello, hello~!

I wanted to check in on how this project is doing since its close to the end of the year (seriously how did this happen so soon)! I have two questions: will you still be releasing in 2023 and do you have an estimated/set date on when it will happen?

Thank you for creating this game and good luck with the full release! <3

I downloaded it, did a scan, and my PC has yet to explode so probably lol

I think you mean Q1 of 2024 😂

To be fair I also can't believe its OCTOBER already! In fact its almost November! Theres TWO months untill the new year, where did the time go?


I found it!

It happens when I choose:

"I'm not playing this game with you." You cross you arms over your chest. ♡

and then

"Because this not the point of our discussion."

Screenshot just in case lol

On their tumblr they said they are still working on it.

The latest update I found on their tumblr is from November 2022. Link to it here. Their last post overall was in December though.

What I've gathered is that this game is on hold :(

Ok so I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be posting bugs so here it is:

Long comment with lots of screenshots incoming.


I'd like to mention that I took some of these on the day of release so they might be fixed already, but I'm going to put everything I have just in case.

Kai learned to float (I think it happened only once on Ariens route)

Choices overlapping on Ariens route. (Happened once and when I replayed the scene again it was fine??)

When I picked the glossy red paper it takes me to a black screen and I cant do anything. (I relaunched the game, picked it again and the same thing happened)

Arien learned to float also (Grey route)

We have a lot of floaters (Kai route)

Ellery is missing their right elbow (Concerning lol)

Didn't get a screenshot but in Greys route after we meet J (idk how to spell her name) I chose to be calm but later in other scenes, he acts like I yelled at him.

There are also a few places where the text gets cut off in the middle of a sentence and it's not continued onto the next text bubble.

Hi! Do you have a new estimate on the release date of the second half?

The Itch page still says:

"Development will continue, and the second half will release in January 2023."

Calderon's gallery page isn't opening. (also idk if it's intentional but the CGs that were in Ch7 aren't in the gallery)

This is what pops up when you try to enter it:

BRO this is top tier comedy 💀

The fact I go "That cant be it" and it ends up being the actual quote 💀💀 I'm dead, on the floor, screaming.

Axel said that they found a coder to help them! (They are mentioned in their other game - What lovely bones)

Here is their latest progress update as of writing this comment: click here. (It's on their tumblr blog)

You know, when I saw this I assumed we were going to be hunting the sicko. I was wrong, we ARE the sicko. Sign me up!

(1 edit)

I'm not quite sure where I should send you bug reports to make sure they're seen but I figured I might as well try my luck here lol

After this choice:

This error message pops up no matter what choice is picked:

There's also the same message on the next page:

Oh, brother do I feel your pain :')

I have made a collection of 80(!?) IFs, a handful of which have been abandoned, like less than 5 have been completed, and more than half of what's left gets updated like twice a year if I'm lucky and the rest (which are sadly very few) are actually making good progress lol

It's a harsh world for us IF lovers out there :'''''')

There is only 1 released at the moment :)

For the leadership stat - I actually tried both.

When I agreed to help I played until the choice to improve a second stat and even when I chose the second one it (leadership stat) didn't go up.

When I didn't agree to help him and chose it as a second stat to raise I played up until the part where we choose how we feel (about our family) and the stat didn't go up. It didn't matter if I chose Queen Elora or Sir Oren to go with first.

Just now I also tried agreeing to help Prince Irus and then chose not to raise another stat - this is the only time when the leadership stat went up. (at least from what I've tested)

Hope that wasn't too confusing of an explanation :')

For the locket - Ah, alright! Thank you :>

Hello! I have sadly come with a bug report lol

When I choose to help the Prince with his leadership my Leadership stat did not increase.

Also, question, when our grandma gave us the bronze figurine shouldn't it also be mentioned in our bio that we have it?