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The games best core strenght is the very interesting skill tree that is fun to explore and that sort of takes the players hand and guides him through.

The game also does a good job creating fun and diverse waves of enemies that are fun to fight and overcome.

You could have been more effective explaining the goal of the game inside the game itself. I was pretty sure I'd need to defend the existing houses, so I sort of did it … but then again, I sometimes was teleported to the houses and had no idea why. Seems to be connected to the 'wildness', however, although I beat the game, I don't know what that exactly is and how it works.

You should also focus more on communicating game events clearly. What I mean is, again, the wildness thing (that I didn't understand), but also hit feedback on enemies is very vague and so the different weapons and skills very often don't communicate to the player if they had a massive impact or not. The later skills do, but especially at the beginning, more hit feedback would be great.


Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, the games mechanics aren't explained very well within the game, mostly because we ran out of time and had to resort to putting that information on the game's page.

Could you elaborate what exactly do you mean with hit feedback?

(1 edit)

By hit feedback, I mean that, when an enemy is hit, he could flash white, play a certain animation and/or trigger a certain particle effect, debending on what he was hit by. These indicators would help to identify more clearly what I, as a player, did, if and how effective it was and would create a better resonance with my chosen weapon and skill.